Do not see the Book of Mormon Movie. I walked out of a Friday showing of this dreadful excuse for a film -- it was one of the grandest artistic tragedies of the last decade. The tragedy would only be compounded if people paid to see it, it made money, and they made another one.
This movie is, without a doubt, the worst LDS movie ever -- and that includes such campy wonders as the original 'Johnny Lingo' and 'Saturday's Warrior.' I don't know who paid the reported $1 million to make this, but they should ask for a refund.
This movie was reported in advance to be at the level of a seminary video. It is not. It is at the level of a ward talent show, barely.
Everything about this movie, from top to bottom, is laughable. The writer/director/producer and all that participated in this film deserve
to lose all the money they put into it. They deserve to go bankrupt because of this monstrous display of incompetence and grotesque imbecility. If you want to see a good Book of Mormon Movie, go see 'The Testaments' at Temple Square. It's good, and it's free.
Tim Jones