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Archive (2003-2004)

Police Beat for March 18, 2003

By Melissa Walker


Foul language was written on the pedestrian overpass on north campus between 11 p.m.on March 16 and 8:45 p.m. on March 17.

Graffiti was placed on a telephone booth at the bottom of the tunnel by Helaman Halls at about 7:30 a.m. on March 18. The message read, 'WSU straight 17.'

Alcohol Offense

An intoxicated person was playing loud music from a vehicle outside Heritage Halls at 6 p.m. on March 15. The individual was given a Breathalyzer test and then arrested and taken to jail. The individual was a visiting student from another university.


A unicycle was stolen from under a bush by May Hall on March 12. The total value is $300. The victim is a student.

A wallet and Motorola cell phone were stolen from the men''s locker room in the Richards Building on March 12. The locker was left unlocked. The wallet contained a social security card, an All-Sport pass and BYU student ID card. The victim is a student.

A purse was stolen at the JKHB on March 13. The purse contained $10, a marriage license, house and car keys, and prescription medicine. The victim is a student.

A wallet was stolen from the male locker room in the Marriott Center on March 13. The wallet contained $90 cash. The victim tried to hide the wallet in a shoe. The victim is a visitor.

A woman''s purse was left unattended on a chair in the Cougareat between 3p.m. and 7 p.m. on March 14. The purse contained a driver''s license, check book, debit card, insurance card, temple recommend, car and house keys, CPR card and Blockbuster membership card.

A backpack was left on a chair in the HFAC John Concert Hall on March 14. The backpack contained a laptop, palm pilot, mp3 player, and glocometer and insulin pen. The victim is a student.


An individual was arrested for shoplifting from the bookstore on March 14. The individual took three books, 5 videos, 1 DVD and a necklace. The total value was $180. The individual is a student.