Volunteers aid city


    By Christopher Stevens

    Volunteer opportunities are made available through the Provo City Volunteer Services.

    Individuals can find a wide variety of ongoing service projects for individuals, families, church groups, school clubs and Eagle Scouts at the Provo City Web site, said Cliff Carron-Campbell, volunteer coordinator.

    Provo City partners with group leaders in providing project ideas and arranging times, as well as providing tools and any needed supervision, Carron-Campbell said.

    City projects include Adopt-a-Trail and Adopt-a-Flowerbed.

    The programs are an offspring from Adopt-a-Highway programs throughout the state.

    Volunteers for the Adopt-a-Trail program adopt a half-mile section of the nine-mile trail that runs from Utah Lake to the entrance of the canyon at 5600 North, said Max Mitchell, assistant director of Provo Parks and Recreation.

    “The volunteers help to maintain the litter problem that exists along the trail,” said Karen Thomas, division office assistant for Provo Parks and Recreation. “Groups work on the trail sections twice a month pruning limbs off the trail, picking-up trash and reporting graffiti.”

    Volunteers for the Adopt-a-Flowerbed program look after planters in the downtown area. The volunteers weed the flowerbed and pick up any garbage to keep downtown Provo colorful and clean, Carron-Campbell said.

    One place that needs volunteers year-round is the Provo Cemetery, said Cathy Jackson, division office assistant. The 25,000 burial sites on the 45-acre cemetery require constant attention to keep them looking pristine.

    “Families want the burial sites to look like a putting green,” Jackson said. “That requires that we continuously hand rake the cemetery year- round.”

    Pine needles and leaves need to be gathered and bagged by staff and volunteers many times, she said. The cemetery has 100 rakes available for any group that wishes to volunteer.

    During the holidays there is heavier traffic around the cemetery, Jackson said. There is a great need for volunteers to keep the entire grounds looking immaculate.

    “Students from BYU have been wonderful in helping us keep the grounds looking beautiful,” Jackson said.

    Only once in five years has a volunteer group shown up when no work needed to be done, Jackson said.

    “We always welcome the great volunteer groups that show up every year,” she said.

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