Photo contest highlights study abroad pictures


    By Lorana Whiting

    This year”s study abroad photo contest will be accepting photos from not only students, but alumni and faculty as well.

    The contest, in its second year, was started by Lee Simons of Kennedy Center Publications.

    “We needed photos and I knew that other universities were doing it,” said Simons.

    The contest is designed to catch the essence of the International Study Programs (ISP) from the previous academic year.

    Photos of interaction with people and the activities of the ISP focus are especially wanted.

    “We had a great response last year and we thought that maybe the faculty would be interested in participating as well,” Simons said. “And then we decided to include alumni who travel abroad and work internationally,” Simons said.

    Winning photos from last year”s contest have been matted, framed and put on display in the Kennedy Center for everyone to enjoy, Simons said.

    Tricia Nash, 21, a senior, from southern California majoring in pre-dental, works as a part-time secretary in the International Study Programs Office.

    “It”s funny because I”ll be walking down the hall and people are just staring at them,” Nash said. “I love the pictures. I think they are inspiring.”

    “You hear about students doing study abroad, but I think it”s good for the other students to see that they are out there and they are helping. Most of the pictures are volunteer shots,” Nash said.

    Last year”s winning photo entitled “K”iche Lesson” captures the moment of a student in Guatemala learnng the K”iche language by imitating an elderly woman.

    Other photos on display in the Kennedy Center exhibition show students helping natives or just landscape shots.

    Nash said that many of the entries are used for various flyers and handouts.

    Dianne Orcutt, 21, a senior from Pleasant Grove, majoring in International Law and Diplomacy, attended the study abroad program in Madrid, Spain in Spring 2001.

    “I”ve been so homesick for Spain,” Orcutt said. “I”m excited to enter some of my photos so other people can see how great that country is.”

    Entries may be either color or black and white. They must be from the previous academic career. Entries are judged by the Kennedy Center Publications for visual impact and technical skill.

    Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Winners and other entries chosen by the judging panel will displayed in an exhibition in the Kennedy Center.

    Deadline for this year”s contest is September 30th and winners will be notified by mid-October.

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