Letter to the Editor: No party monopoly of good


    Dear Editor,

    This letter is in response to the letter entitled “Democrats, Moral Issues.”

    The author said the Democratic Party supported a number of issues that he felt were in conflict with a “Christian’s” moral values – citing homosexuality and abortion. Consequently, the letter maintained that Mormons shouldn’t belong to the Democratic Party.

    No one should criticize anyone’s preference of a political party. Furthermore, political parties aren’t static they are dynamic. The people who make up the party determine what will be supported and can change the party’s stance on any issue. So, instead of being lemmings and joining one party because mom and dad are members of the same party, perhaps people should join parties in an effort to change them. This is true, especially for Christians, who could really change issues on both sides if they didn’t all jump on a political bandwagon and not ever participate.

    Political parties represent how individuals believe government should be run. Let’s look at George W.’s and Al’s platforms. George W. believes in a small government, and Al doesn’t. George believes in a spending a lot of money on a national defense. Al believes in spending money to support struggling farmers, and George doesn’t. George believes government should decide if homosexual couples can adopt, and Al thinks local communities should decide.

    These areas listed above are how they believe the government should function, not how it will function, and not whether their view is righteous or wicked.

    Neither party (democrat or republican) has a monopoly on goodness.

    As citizens of this country, if we don’t like a particular stand, we have a responsibility to change it. I say, if you don’t agree, do something about it and stop whining — it’s your duty.

    Cyrus Javadi



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