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Archive (2000-2001)

Letter to the Editor: Bell Tower needs new song

Dear Editor,

When people hear the same song many times in one day, it tends to become lodged in their thinking patterns and repeat itself. This uninvited repetition is commonly called 'getting a song stuck in the head.' It causes extreme frustration. Most of us have experienced this phenomenon, for example during long car trips with smaller siblings who, despite all threats, sing 'This is the song that never ends' for hours at a time. Repeated songs eventually cause the listener to experience an emotional flood of hatred for the singer and his or her descants.

My recent experience at BYU has included many such instances, (including roommates who refuse to stop the Disney) but more particularly, and the most irksome one to me: the bell tower we have on campus. This beautiful monument tolls the first line of 'Come, Come Ye Saints' hour after hour, on the hour. I live on campus, and the constant repetition of this hymn inhibits my natural thinking patterns. In short, I can't get the dang thing out of my head. I usually love the words and melody of 'Come, Come Ye Saints,' but this breach of moderation is causing me to lose appreciation for the beauty and the meaning.

Isn't there a way to choose a different piece for the bells to play that is just as lovely and just as appropriate? This is my plea for the sake of variety.

Ali Bryant
