God present in the work of the LDS Church


    By Dee Giles

    “I know God lives! I know he lives!”

    These words resounded from the Conference Center pulpit when Elder Loren C. Dunn of the First Quorum of the Seventy spoke in the Saturday morning session of general conference.

    Elder Dunn spoke about his knowledge of God’s existence, and his involvement in the work being done by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    God is involved in all aspects of this work, from the great congregations of general conference, all the way down to the very small congregations that meet throughout the world, Elder Dunn said.

    He talked about how Jesus Christ has paid for the souls of mankind through his sacrifice.

    “Christ has purchased us by the shedding of his blood, and the anguish he suffered in Gethsemane,” Elder Dunn said.

    Elder Dunn also recognized the historic significance of the recently dedicated Boston Massachussets Temple.

    The Boston Temple is the first temple in a city recognized as the birthplace of freedom in what was then the new-world, he said.

    Elder Dunn said the dedication of the Boston Temple “seemed to represent the coming together of the great heritage of America and the sacred roots of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.”

    Elder Dunn also referred to Joseph Smith’s dedicatory prayer of the Kirtland Temple when Joseph Smith “asked the Lord to break off the yoke of persecutions of that day.”

    Elder Dunn mentioned this prayer, and talked about the LDS church’s challenges today.

    “While challenges still remain, we are seeing the yoke of misunderstanding and prejudice being broken in this era of temple building and open houses,” he said.

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