Letter to the Editor: Save south campus beauty


    Dear Editor,

    I am writing to express my passionate opposition to the SCAMP project that has lately been proposed. I am a senior who has lived in a house that is located in the SCAMP area for two and a half years. I have lived in several apartment complexes in the Provo area while attending BYU, but I love my house. That area south of campus is probably one of the most aesthetically interesting areas in the city of Provo. Each little house and yard has a character of its own. Ripping up these homes and yards and building rows of apartments would be robbing the city of such unique beauty.

    We, as students, are all in a very transitory stage of life. Living in a house has, at the very least, a feeling of home. I can play volleyball in my yard in the summer and plant a garden in the spring. I can give parties and have barbecues. I have an address without an apartment number. All these things seem silly, but it is these little things that make me, and all the other students in the SCAMP area, love our homes and our freedom.

    I understand that there is a housing shortage for students in Provo. But, the solution to this problem is not to vulgarly rip all beauty from the area by erecting rows of apartment complexes. I guess what I’m saying is that the students in that area live there because they enjoy the aspects and benefits of house living as opposed to apartment living. They have developed a love for their homes and a pride for the interesting area they live in. It would be a horrible shame to destroy all this by packing students into dorm-like apartment eyesores.

    Ashley Ann Gordon


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