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Archive (2000-2001)

Institute of management to put on interviewing workshop


Students looking to land that perfect internship this summer are invited to attend an interviewing workshop hosted by BYU's Institute of Marketing on Thursday.

Dirk Cotterell, president and CEO of Management Recruiters in Salt Lake City, will speak at the workshop. According to Bill Price, director of the Institute of Marketing, Management Recruiters is the largest search and recruiting firm in Utah.

Cotterell will address the do's and don'ts of job interviewing. He will also instruct students on the best ways to prepare for job interviews and how to best distinguish themselves from other candidates in order to be remembered.

'Students who are currently interviewing or plan to interview this semester will likely benefit the most,' said Cotterell. 'They will really get insider information from a recruiter on what the interviewer across the desk is looking for during the interview.'

Cotterell said he travels to BYU every fall and winter semester to help students polish and improve their interviewing skills for jobs and internships.

This is the second of four workshops being offered Winter Semester as part of the Institute of Marketing's job search workshop series.

The workshop will be held Feb. 3, in Room 260 TNRB at 11:00 a.m. All students are invited to attend Cotterell's presentation.