Letter to the editor: Nuclear ban, not library carts, should capture student attention


    Dear Editor:

    I hesitate to turn our attention from the noble push to acquire rattle-proof book carts for our new library. Nevertheless, I motion that we divert our attention from that particular injustice, and draw it toward threats slightly more horrifying than squeaks heard in the dark corners of the library.

    For example, let’s talk about nuclear explosions.

    Perhaps you’ve heard about Clinton’s proposed ban on nuclear testing. Your response may have been one of the following: (a) “I don’t understand what’s going on, therefore I will ignore it,” (b) “I dislike Clinton, therefore I support nuclear testing,” (c) “To harness nuclear power is to prove our intelligence, therefore we should not hinder nuclear science,” (d) “We need nuclear bombs to secure our self-interest, therefore the more the merrier.”

    These problematic responses can not only be heard at lunchtime conversations in BYU’s graduate lounges, but they can also be heard in the halls of the Capitol building. These are responses based on indifference, stubbornness, pride and ignorance. They are excuses that allow the most frightening human invention (with exception of noisy wooden carts) to persist.

    For some reason or another we are afraid to pull the plug on the nuclear monster that we have created.

    If the test ban treaty is tossed out this week, we can count on a few things: bigger, better and closer bombs; increased international tension; more Tokaimuraesque mistakes; and, heaven forbid, more dead people.

    There is no argument that can justify these potentialities. There is no excuse for us to not be thinking about these issues. There is no reason why you should not write your congressman today.

    Go on, be a squeaky wheel. Raise a racket — unless, of course, others are trying to study.

    Blaine Johnson

    Monett, Mo.

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