Elder Featherstone: Turn on lights in other people’s eyes



    Truth is the one link that still holds and will not go out, said Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone of the First Quorum of the Seventy in the Saturday morning session of general conference.

    Elder Featherstone said he was grateful for the stability and truth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    He said he was thankful to God that the apostles and prophets never waver on sin, even though sin can look inviting.

    “Laws, consensus, consenting adults that teach contrary to the gospel are wrong, even if the majority accepts them. Sin is sin. That is God’s truth,” Elder Featherstone said.

    Elder Featherstone also mentioned the importance of avoiding pornography and being careful when choosing close friends.

    “Your friends are your safeguard,” Elder Featherstone said.

    Friends are a great influence on young people, but they are also affected by their parents, he said.

    “One of the most important influences on the religiosity of our youth is the spontaneous religious discussions in our homes,” Elder Featherstone said.

    He said family home evening, prayer and scripture study become more influential to children when the activities are special with an atmosphere of love and not just scheduled.

    Teaching youth to enjoy family home evening, prayer and scripture study helps teach obedience, Elder Featherstone said.

    “Obedience to God is truly the only way to really be free and exercise our agency,” Elder Featherstone said.

    He promised the youth of the church that obedience is a wonderful privilege.

    To illustrate this principle, Elder Featherstone related a story of a time when he had a strong desire to be obedient.

    As a young boy, Elder Featherstone had been counseled by his bishop to kneel on Thanksgiving day and thank God for his blessings.

    He said his heart ached because his family did not have family prayer.

    Elder Featherstone said he wanted to pray more than anything in this world, but he did not say anything before his family started eating their Thanksgiving dinner. He had lost his chance.

    Be grateful for the opportunity to pray and to read the scriptures as a family, Elder Featherstone said.

    Elder Featherstone said he was grateful for his mother and for her teaching and training.

    He said he was able to turn the “light on in his mother’s eyes.”

    After working the night shift, his mother had spent the day preparing a family dinner. He realized his mother was tired and cleaned the kitchen.

    Elder Featherstone said he didn’t recognize his mother’s grateful expression then, but he said he does now.

    He said the look was something like, “Thanks. I am tired. I think you understand, and I love you.”

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