The BYU Bookstore is stocking up for long lines during Education Week.
'More than 30,000 individuals come to the Bookstore during Education Week,' said David Smith, general merchandise supplies manager. 'Last year, approximately 50,000 transactions occurred although we did not serve that many people.'
On average, the bookstore generally serves 8,000 customers weekly, Smith said.
To accommodate the increased customer traffic, the Bookstore will be open until 10 p.m. Tuesday through Friday.
Even though the bookstore does not hire extra employees for the week, many bookstore employees will be working extra hours, Smith said.
'I am excited about earning extra money,' said Sheri Condie, 20, a junior from Pleasant Grove majoring in history teaching. 'I have to work eight-hour shifts four days in a row.' Condie works in the men's department.
'Our department usually sells a ton of garment length shorts,' Condie said.
Along with long shorts, the bookstore sells many LDS religious books, prints, software and clothing.
BYU paraphernalia is also a popular item during Education Week, said Liz West, 20, a junior from Pleasant Grove majoring in early elementary education, who works in the sports department.
'Most people have to get a BYU t-shirt,' West said. 'We sell more t-shirts during education week than anything else.'
Bookstore employees meet many people during Education Week.
'My favorite thing is the excitement and business,' Smith said. 'You can't walk across the sales floor without getting asked a question and helping someone.'
The Bookstore also works with Education Week teachers to create an Education Week annex, Smith said.
The annex is located on the second floor of the Wilkinson Student Center near the ballroom.
'Our staff coordinates with Ed Week teachers to supply all book and music titles that are recommended by the speakers,' Smith said. 'We will also have artists and authors signing their works.'
Normally, the bookstore is open from 7:50 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday thru Friday and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays. During Education Week it will be open until 10 p.m.
Some students wish the Bookstore would continue the extended Education Week hours into the school year.
'It would be more convenient if the Bookstore was open later during the school year,' said Coleman Gerstner, 24, a senior from Provo majoring in marketing communications. 'I have night classes, and I am not always able to get to the Bookstore before it closes.'