Utah County Search and Rescue teams have been looking since Monday for a 20-year-old Utah Valley State College student from Orem.
Sergeant Dave Bennett of the Utah County Sheriff's department said the man, whose name has not yet been released, may have committed suicide.
The man's family had not seen him since Thursday. Family members reported him missing to the Orem City Police Department Saturday after they found a letter at their home.
The letter was described by Bennett as a suicide note; however, family members don't know why he would have taken his life.
The man had not yet been found Tuesday evening.
Bennett said the man is likely dead and the search and rescue team may need to wait for the snow to melt before they can find him.
Bennett said police found the man's truck Monday at Canyon Glen Park in Provo Canyon. Search and Rescue teams began searching from the park to Bridal Veil Falls.
'Our biggest problem is the snow,' Bennett said. 'This snow could have covered a person up making him impossible to find.'
More than 60 volunteers from Utah County Search and Rescue, Utah County Jeep Patrol, Utah County Mounted Posse, and The Rocky Mountain Search Dogs have looked for the man since Monday.
Utah Highway Patrol helicopters also helped in the search.
'We've covered a lot of ground,' Bennett said. 'Right now we may need to wait for the snow to melt.'
Family members said the man was familiar with Canyon Glen Park and enjoyed the outdoors.