Mapleton creates a legacy of their own



    Mapleton’s pioneer day celebration titled “Legacy of Our Own” is a legacy for the small town.

    “They’ve had this celebration for years and years. It’s an old fashion home town event,” said Lori Gammell, co-chairperson of Mapleton pioneer day celebration.

    Gammell said that in the past the celebration has been attended mostly by just Mapleton residents, but that in the last few years, it’s become more popular.

    “[The celebration] started out as just a picnic in the park,” Gammell said.

    Gammell said the celebration has also become a time for local families to have their family reunions.

    Of all the events, Gammell said there is only one that has stuck around since the beginning.

    “The only real tradition that has stuck from year to year is the greased pole,” said Gammell. “It’s just a big metal post which we have a place in the park and cover it with Crisco. At the bottom we put $1 bills and then higher up we put $5’s and $10’s and $20’s.”

    She said that kids will then get all greasy as they climb the pole in an effort to get the most money.

    Included in the events will be a kick-off fireside on Sunday with Provo city’s former mayor, George Stewart, as the speaker. Starting the 24th, will be a parade down Main Street, a 5k run, a youth volleyball tournament, entertainment and plenty of food and games, Gammell said.

    “We will have [music] groups playing throughout the day,” Gammell said.

    Everything will be free except for the food and games.

    “It’s not a money making thing, but we have to charge enough for the food so that can pay for the entertainment.”

    Gammell said the celebration is put on by the church, but that the city helps because it is a community event.

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