Two dead bodies were found in a Provo apartment Wednesday at 8 p.m. Capt. Keith Teuscher of the Provo Police Department says it was a murder/suicide.
Teuscher said family members called the police department and asked them to investigate when their relatives did not answer the telephone.
Officers responded to the call and found the bodies of Jorge L. Quirindongo, 40, and his wife Ivette, 32. Both had been shot.
Grethe Jensen, the Georgian Apartments manager, said the Quirindongos had lived in the apartment for more than four years without any problems.
'Recently they were having family problems, and that is what might have caused (it),' she said.
'Divorce papers were there on the table,' Teuscher said.
Gunshots were reported by neighbors earlier that day. Police investigated the area and found nothing, Teuscher said.
When asked Wednesday afternoon about the gunshots, police said they thought it was a car backfiring.
According to Jensen, the Quirindongos were the parents of three children. The oldest child is 12 or 13 years old. As the bodies were taken from the apartment at 11 p.m., the children had not yet been informed of their parents' deaths, Jensen said.
Teuscher said an autopsy will be performed Thursday at 8 a.m. to find out the exact causes of death.