Letter to the editor: Respect those with special n


    Ralf Gruenke

    I am responding to a letter to the editor in Tuesday’s Daily Universe, which suggested that non-native English speakers at BYU should not be given special consideration with regard to their grades. The authors’ solution is simple: Why don’t they just learn English? What a brilliant idea! Let me just extend it a little bit.

    Religion professors should also disregard the special needs of non-members of the LDS Church, who often are not as familiar with the history and teachings of church. Aren’t they supposed to take that basic teachings of Mormonism class? That should be enough to take them to the same level with a life-long member and returned missionary!

    And what about the deaf? Why should instructors have to allow interpretors or special assistance for them? Can’t they just take a basic lip-reading class? That would make it ever so easy for the professors grading procedure.

    Finally, who could blame a professor for a student’s learning disability? I say, no special consideration for anyone. Why should we care? Didn’t everyone choose to come here in the first place?

    Of course, I am not serious! As far as I am concerned, BYU, or any university, should attempt to make higher learning available not just to the few who have no special needs. Why should a Chinese chemistry student who will return to his homeland after he graduates have to fail a general education class because he doesn’t have native English skills? Why put a Russian business major at a severe disadvantage because her English just doesn’t quite compare to the language skills of a native speaker? I would hope that instructors continue to care about their students and their individual needs.

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