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UFO evidence found on new CD-ROM


'UFOs Just The Facts' is a wonderful new multimedia CD-ROM that does a fabulous job of providing both detailed and documented information for those of you are intrigued by the phenomenon of UFOs.

The CD-ROM, produced by the Sky Multimedia group, is promoted as being both entertaining and informative, a description I would quickly agree with. As I browsed through the various menu options and explored the information contained therein I was definitely entertained and informed on the subject of UFOs.

One of my favorite parts of the CD-ROM was the 'Film and Video' exhibit. While the film section only offers six different videos of UFOs, the shots are definitely cool. One in particular that I liked was the shot from a space shuttle that showed a meteor and lightning storm on Earth that is interrupted for a brief time by what appears to be a large UFO coming out of the clouds. While the shot is distant and shaky it is still pretty convincing. Other shots include one from space that shows something zipping off in the distance and a couple other shot from here on Earth. All in all, the footage is decent but, like most UFO footage, is difficult to follow and ambiguous at best.

Another section that peaked my interest was the 'Government Documents' section. It contained some pretty convincing evidence of government cover-ups from both the military and FBI--some of which were originally intended for various presidents and other important government officials. The CD-ROM lays out both the original copy and a translated version making it easier to understand, although the actual content of the documents by their nature are difficult to decipher. Still, the fact that the documents exist and that you can read them on the CD-ROM, somehow makes the whole idea of a government cover-up credible. It is a pretty neat section that is a must see for anyone who deep-down is convinced that the government is holding out on their UFO information.

Although most of the information on the CD-ROM is interesting and entertaining, some is just plain boring. The 'Timeline' section is a true sleeper in its attempt to trace the important dates of UFO history. Equally boring is the 'UFO Lore' section which contains ancient hieroglyphics and artifacts that are somehow connected to UFOs in the past. These portions of the CD-ROM are the definite downside of the presentation--offering little detail and few graphics.

Overall, 'UFO: Just The Facts' is an entertaining and interesting approach to the subject of UFOs. It contains great information and fabulous graphics that come together in a fun package for UFO buffs everywhere.