Alcohol advertising banned from the 2002 Olympic g



    George Van Komen, chair of UAPC, said that alcohol should not be seen as a part of the Olympics.

    “I feel it is a very bad connection to have alcohol and sports in the Olympics,” he said.

    Komen also worries about the number of athletes under the legal drinking age.

    “It seems so contradictory to the Olympics to have athletes well below the age of 21 where alcohol is freely advertised,” he said.

    Mike Korologos, spokesman for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee said they do not currently anticipate having any alcohol companies sponsors.

    “The Salt Lake Committee does not intend to have a liquor sponsor. There is, however, a long-standing relationship between the United States Olympic Committee and a brewery. A brewery finances many Olympic athletes and events. We do not intend to become involved in that relationship,” he said.

    “The 1994 Atlanta Olympic Committee signed a $40 million contract with Anheuser-Busch. We felt that was very inappropriate,” Komen said.

    However, Korologos said that the contract with Anheuser Busch saved Georgia taxpayers a lot of money.

    “The Atlanta Committee just barely came out even as far as their budget is concerned, not using tax money. Can you imagine what would have happened if they had been $40 million short not using that sponsorship money and had to turn to the taxpayers? They would have lynched the committee,” he said.

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