During the first two weeks of Fall Semester and again, just prior to the beginning of Winter Semester registration, satellite advising stations will be set up at strategic locations around campus to help answer students' questions and concerns. These stations will be manned by student employees trained in addressing the most commonly asked questions of the new freshman. At the Satellite Advising Station, students will be able to:
1.Pick up add/drop cards
2.Obtain a campus map
3.Learn how to navigate campus
4.Find out about campus construction
5.Learn of academic resources available
6.Find out where your College Advisement Center is located
7.Learn about BYUSA and SLIC and how to get involved on campus
8.Find out about the food and dining options on and around campus
9.Get more information on BYU's Honor Code
10.Find out about buying books
11.Pick up UTA and Bus Route information
12.Find out about BYU wards
13.Learn about AIM
14.Get directions to any place on campus or around Provo, etc.
The Satellite Advising Stations will help assist students who have very basic questions, since the lines at their College Advisement Center can be pretty long during the first few weeks of school. However, the CACs should be contacted for questions about registration concerns, GE and major requirements, major selection, career information and other specific questions about a students academic plan and progress.