It's not over yet!
The Academy is now entering into Phase Four of their fund raising, and money is still needed for its completion.
A fountain and statue of Brigham Young will be placed outside the library, and 1400 plaques will be hung in the lobby in memory of the donors.
A benefit concert will be held July 26 to raise additional funds to aid these projects. The concert will be held at the State Hospital located at 1300 E. Center Street.
'This is not only a concert to raise money for the library's Phase Four, but a celebration for how far we've gotten,' said Janet Knudsen, BYU graduate and director of the benefit concert.
Stretch Armstrong, My Man Friday, Paradigm, Fragments of Stone and Los Hermanos De Los Andes are bands scheduled to perform for the concert.
Knudsen said they have a variety of bands ranging from mellow to ska.
They will have the more mellow bands playing earlier in the evening, which will have a general appeal for the families in the area to enjoy. The other bands will target the college and high school crowds.
Comedians, jugglers and acoustic guitars will fill-in between bands.
The concert will start at 4 p.m. and run until 10:30 p.m. People are asked to come and support the concert for the Academy.
For those who haven't been able to participate in any activities regarding the Academy, now is a good time to get involved.
Volunteers are greatly needed to help with stage crew, ticket-taking, games and flyer distribution. Knudsen is also looking for anyone experienced in media or promotion. Contact Janet Knudsen at 377-1310.