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Learning to love the outdoors


There is no doubt that BYU students have seen the harsh side of nature over the past few days. A free seminar entitled 'The Mountaineering Experience,' beginning tonight at 7 in Orem, will introduce the many outdoor opportunities the climate has brought.

Ice climbing, winter camping and cross-country skiing are among the outdoor activities to be highlighted at the seminar. Music and slides will introduce the wonders of these sports. The seminar will be offered by The Wilderness School, 757 N. State Street in Orem.

'A knowledge of the outdoors will give to people safety, fun and enjoyment that will last for a lifetime,' said Doug Hansen, owner and director of the Wilderness School. Hansen brings to the seminar a diverse background of mountaineering experience.

'I'm at home in the outdoors in any weather and any season because I have learned what equipment and techniques are necessary to make the outdoors environment friendly and safe,' Hansen said. 'And I have developed a good sense of judgment. I have also learned which 'neighborhoods' in Utah's mountains are people-friendly and which are not. I have learned how to survive in any of these neighborhoods.'

The introductory seminar will be the first in a series of free or low-cost classes designed to help residents learn more about the outdoors.

'It's our way of promoting safety and outdoors ethics. With so many people heading for the outdoors, we wanted a way to encourage people to work together in preserving the outdoors,' Hansen said.

Hansen said students who attend the seminar will receive a certificate for a discount on a future purchase at Hansen Mountaineering.

The Wilderness School will also offer more in-depth classes on the activities of the outdoors through it's Wilderness Citizenship program. Hansen said this program is designed to prepare residents for the outdoors.

'It will enable people to go out into the wilderness and feel good about being there. The class will increase their enjoyment of the outdoors,' Hansen said.

Upcoming classes will include avalanche awareness and rescue, ice climbing skills, winter camping and survival skills.