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Student Life to make renovation fun


In an effort to minimize frustrations caused by campus construction and involve students in the renovation process, the BYU Department of Student Life has implemented a campaign of renovation-oriented activities.

Construction on campus is a continual process as old buildings are renovated and new additions are built. The process, however, inconveniences many students and patrons.

Concerts, such as the one featuring 'The Jets' Friday in the Wilkinson Center Ballroom, are called renovation activities and invite students to 'put on their hard-hats' and 'rock the foundation' in celebration of renovation work.

'We are trying to have at least one big activity a month,' said Julie Cash, Service Leadership Involvement Center student director. 'We want to create a more positive outlook among students regarding all of the construction going on and we want to get them involved.'

Even Cougareat food concessions are offering renovation meal deals to show their support.

There are also other activities to foster student involvement such as the 'time capsule' sponsored by Student Life. Students and faculty have been asked to contribute suggestions of what to place in the capsule. The capsule will be buried on April 9.

A suggestion box in the Wilkinson Center Stepdown Lounge is specifically designed to entertain student or patron ideas, complaints and suggestions related to renovations and building access.

BYU employees who work in areas affected by construction were invited last month to a workshop that explained the various renovation phases and how it related to their line of work.

'We wanted employees to appreciate the significance of the renovation work going on around them and how it affects them,' explained Jonathan Kau, Student Life assistant for training and development. 'We also helped them understand how to interact with patrons and answer their questions regarding the renovation work.'

Information regarding renovation activities and building access is available throughout the Wilkinson Center in a weekly bulletin distributed by Student Life. Students who wish to receive information on-line can look up or call ext. 8-ELWC.