CES Devotional to be renamed and restaged


Elder Paul V. Johnson announced in last night’s CES devotional that beginning in January of 2015, CES devotionals will be called Worldwide Devotionals for Young Adults.

Elder Donald L. Hallstrom of the Presidency of the Seventy spoke at a CES Fireside Nov. 2 where changes to institute and BYU religious education classes were announced. (Mormon Newsroom)
Elder Donald L. Hallstrom of the Presidency of the Seventy spoke at a CES Fireside Nov. 2 where changes to institute and BYU religious education classes were announced. (Mormon Newsroom) They will occur only three times each year – in January, May and September.

Church leaders hope these changes will increase the focus and attention on each devotional.

“We hope you will make every effort to attend each devotional and encourage others to attend with you so that you and they might have a chance to associate together, listen to council from our leaders and receive personal revelation and direction,” Elder Johnson said.

This announcement was made minutes before Elder Johnson announced the change in curriculum for the Church Educational System.

“As you participate in Worldwide devotionals and religion classes, you will better understand the scriptures, associate with those who will lift and inspire you, and you will strengthen your faith and testimony in Jesus Christ,” Elder Johnson said.

More information is through education.lds.org.

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