Campus Drive to be converted to ‘walking plaza’


Campus Drive will be turned into a “walking plaza” in a three-phase construction project that will take place over the next two years.

“No doubt word will travel fast and with it will come many questions,” Provo Mayor John Curtis said on his blog. “BYU has announced a campus unification plan with the intent to unify the campus, create a safe, pedestrian-friendly environment and add additional green space.”
“The project will role out in phases with the first phase scheduled to begin May 1, 2013. The redesign will ultimately lead to the closure of Campus Drive. BYU has been working with Provo City for a number of months to evaluate the traffic impact and to find solutions to the increased load that will be carried on city streets,” Curtis said.
Campus Drive will be converted into a plaza via a three-part plan beginning May 1st. (Photo courtesy Provo mayor’s blog)


The Daily Herald also reported that some Provo residents are unhappy with the reconstruction.

The Universe will add more information from the university, and student and faculty feedback, as its reporting develops.


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