Police Beat: Best of 2012



June 25 A female reported feeling unusually sick and nauseated. When police arrived, the female had determined that she was pregnant.

Suspicious Activity

July 9 The construction cranes located south of campus were reported to be moving in the night. The bystander who reported the activity was worried they were going to tip over. Police arrived and reassured the bystander that they are designed to move in the wind.

July 18 An unknown male ran towards the Wilkinson Student Center yelling about the Mormons and threatened to punch a girl in the face. Police arrived, calmed the man down and asked him to leave.


June 27 Someone observed a male and a female yelling at each other in a vehicle. When officers investigated, he found they were simply discussing their relationship in a very vocal manner. No crime was committed, so the officers left.


March 23 A teaching assistant at the Talmage Building reported the Oreo cookies on her office desk were missing. She told the officer the door is always locked except for janitors. There were four cookies, worth 50 cents.

April 30 A bike was reported stolen from the bike rack north of the Wilkinson Student Center. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that police department had impounded the bike. The student successfully retrieved the bike.

June 4 A student came to pick up their bicycle which had been impounded but found it was stolen from the police’s impound lot.

Animal problem

Jan. 14 Three student custodians at the Testing Center reported seeing two wolves running toward the Former Presidents’ Home.  After thoroughly surveying the area with spotlights, officers could not confirm the presence of wolves on campus.  The officers returned to ask the custodians if they were sure the animals were wolves, to which one custodian responded, “For sure, they were really big.” One of the students then said he wanted to wait for the wolves so he could scare them away.  The officers suggested they get back to work.


Feb. 12 A husband resident of Wymount Terrace reported a missing wife. He told the officer his wife had not come back from grocery shopping. During the interview, the wife walked into the room.

Verbal Altercation

Feb. 8 Two male individuals were reported having a verbal altercation in the Smith Fieldhouse. One of them was a student, the other was not. They were arguing about a girl they both knew and dated.

Criminal Mischief

April 28 An officer was called to the Chief Massasoit sculpture located on the west side of the Harold B. Lee Library. Someone had placed different colored construction paper teepees on and around the sculpture. The officer removed the teepees. No damage to the sculpture was reported.

June 16 A skateboarder threw his skateboard at a truck after being honked at by the driver. The skater was in the middle of the road when the car approached from behind. After the boarder threw the skateboard, the driver pulled over and found that the skater had fled and two dents in the side of the truck. Police were summoned and a description given, but the skateboarder was not located.

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