Letter: Second semester blues


I was one of the 5,624 elated students who stepped onto BYU campus for the first time last fall. We felt lucky and honored to be accepted to this university. We were ready to learn, have fun and begin our adult lives. We marveled during our first class when we started with a prayer. We heard from several prophets of God. We got lost and failed a test or two, but still that’s college. Everything was new and exciting. Life was good.

Where has that enthusiasm gone? Most days I am so wrapped up in classes and sleep deprivation that I do not give any thought to the higher purpose of the things I do here. It is much too easy to “burn out,” especially in a long semester with few breaks like this one. So often I hear others say, or catch myself saying, that I have to go to class, have to do my homework, or have to go to work. We start thinking of these things as mere responsibilities instead of the grand opportunities they truly are. How many people would trade anything to have the opportunities we have here? We are training at God’s university to become the best people we can be in the perspective of eternity. We live as close to a temple as it is possible to be. So, whether this is your second semester or your last, whatever your troubles, try to step back and savor your time here. Remember why you are here and keep smiling.

Sarah Jamieson
Fallon, Nev.

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