Letter: Right to anger


I was appalled when I read “The real one percent (11/3).” The writer obviously had done no research whatsoever to back up his theory.

The most laughable part of the article was the quote that said “man-up, work hard and become part of the one percent.”

Simple math says you can’t fit 100 percent of the people into the one percent. I would like to ask the writer if he was thousands of dollars in debt in student loans, had no health insurance, no job prospects and a family to feed, would he really have “freedom and power” to “persevere and achieve greatness”?

The unemployment rate jumped from 4.2 percent in 2001 to nine percent in 2011.

According to the writer, this is because 5.5 percent of the population just suddenly decided to be lazy. This reasoning is ludicrous.

People are protesting because they can’t get jobs, not because they don’t want jobs.

They have a right to be angry. After all, aren’t the rich people the job creators?

While Wall Street — the people responsible for this housing bubble catastrophe — become richer while gambling with our money through derivative bets in Europe, we’re the ones who have to pay for it.

No research was put into that letter to the editor and it’s spoken like a naive kid who thinks that everyone can be part of the top one percent.

Dan Hainsworth

Columbia, Mo.

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