Letter: A problem to be fixed


Admittedly, I was impressed The Daily Universe talked about Occupy Wall Street in the opinion section of the paper (10/13).

However, one quote from one extremely unproductive individual who quit his job to protest is, without argument, an exaggerated overgeneralization of the situation at hand.

No one should be entitled to wealth, but when 1 percent of America’s population possesses 42 percent of financial wealth, this presents a problem that needs to be fixed.

Anyone who watches the news or only skims the headlines of any news related outlet can quickly see that the current economic system is failing.

Will a protest fix an economy? Of course not.

However, this protest is a way of expressing dissatisfaction that speaks clearly to those preparing for elections.

Whether Obama’s or the GOP’s solutions will work is left to time and the American people, but I think we can all agree that this protest is representative of issues and flaws much more complicated than a few unlucky individuals who feel entitled.

Joshua Dunn
Spokane, Wash.

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