Letter: Stop pushing blame


Since when is it logical to lay the blame of a problem on the entity who opposes the problem’s source?

True, the responsibility for the size of the national debt cannot be assigned to one person or one political party for that matter.

Still, when a certain administration has increased the size of the national debt by a greater margin than any other administration in this country’s history, all within two and a half years, it is ignorant and insulting to deny fault to that administration.

The country maxed out its credit card by increasing the national debt by over four trillion dollars since the beginning of this president’s term.

Then, all of a sudden, the people who have opposed big spending are culpable for the crisis? No logic can explain the validity of that argument.

Furthermore, you cannot say the reason we have all this debt is because the “rich” people aren’t paying their fair share.

The rich create jobs. The more wealth the rich obtain, the more jobs they can create, and thus, the wealth funnels, or trickles, down to the less wealthy. Exorbitantly taxing the wealthy kills job creation.

Chad Hillman
Hamer, Idaho


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