Letter: Stubborn facts


While I certainly consider myself a champion of free speech, a word of wisdom to those who would exercise (some might say abuse) that right: facts are stubborn things.

That means before sharing your opinion in a public forum, you might want to make sure the facts back it up.

For example: to all those who argue illegal immigrants pay taxes but can’t file a return, visit the IRS official website. A little digging will reveal the IRS admits to not checking on immigration status.

Furthermore, you don’t even need a Social Security number to file taxes. As any foreigner who pays taxes will tell you, the IRS will gladly give you a Tax ID number (after not checking your immigration status) in order to file.

Regarding farm subsidies: these are only necessary if you want 40 percent of America’s farmers (since 60 percent don’t even benefit from subsidies) to rake in billions of dollars in profit, not “keep food cheap.”

Most economists (roughly 85 percent) agree eliminating agricultural subsidies would actually be good for the economy, not bad.

I hope these examples illustrate the need for us to remember the importance of facts before braying one’s opinion.

Michael Tonks
Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.


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