Look on the bright side of Y life


    Dear Editor,

    In the last year that I have been attending BYU, I have become concerned with an attitude that I have noticed among many. This is the attitude of focusing on the bad and complaining why BYU is so bad and Provo is such a bad place to live.

    But, I want to focus on the good things that I have noticed that BYU has to offer.

    I had the opportunity of growing up in the valley, and I was raised to notice the weird things that zoobies do and their lifestyle. I was appalled by rumors of engagements after two weeks of knowing each other, nickmo Web sites, the hint of “holier than thou” attitude and other stories that led me to pursue going to school elsewhere.

    I had the chance to attend two other schools and have in the last year returned to the school that I grew up to oppose. In that year I have noticed many things that have helped me change my mind.

    Where else can you find Jell-O served in the cafeteria salad bar or a Creamery that is brave enough to serve cinnamon/jalapeno ice cream? I rejoice in soapbox speeches about the most meaningless things and people who walk around campus singing as loud as they can in their opera voices.

    Above all, I must praise BYU for its chocolate milk. Where else in the world can you experience such a delightful drink without breaking the word of wisdom?

    I have been impressed with my ward activities, scriptural skits with large fish pillows to dance parties where the police have dropped by to make sure that we’re all having a good time. I have enjoyed learning the different ways that a girl can let a guy know she likes him as they’re watching a movie from Clean Flicks.

    If you are unhappy here, maybe you should look around and be grateful for the things that Provo and BYU does have to offer.

    Aaron Averett


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