Letter to the editor: Don’t stereotype Britons


    Dear Editor,

    Having restrained myself on numerous occasions, I now feel pressured to respond to the significant ignorance championed by many BYU students.

    I am English. This also makes me British, which means I live inside the United Kingdom. Tuesday’s letter to the editor titled “No more top 40” highlighted the annoying ignorance I encounter on an almost daily basis.

    Unfortunately my “friend” is gravely mistaken. Top 40 tracks including alternative and (heaven forbid) “techno music” do indeed epitomize the music scene in British culture. Mary Poppins, on the other hand, does not. Not every Briton drinks tea. Not every Briton lives in a large manor house and has servants. Not every Briton wants to remain stuck inside the confines of an 18th century stereotype.

    To be honest, this repetitive ignorance can become exceedingly frustrating. BYU claims to encourage a diverse university community, yet so many BYU students seem to have little idea that there is a big, wide world outside of the United States. I’m sorry if I appear unwilling to conform to a misunderstood stereotype, and I do not mean to single out the unfortunate Utah citizen, but I just wanted to alert people to the fact that they need to think before they speak.

    I am not a doll that eagerly repeats words on command, and I don’t appreciate uneducated comments about my homeland. Oh, and no, I don’t celebrate July 4th. I’m dealing with it, and I really think that others should too.

    Adrian Reynolds

    Sussex, England

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